As you know the bowling Green will be closed from Sunday 13th October. Before then we are planning to hold a competition on Sunday the 6th for everyone to join in.
It will commence at prompt and weather permitting will finish early afternoon .
The format will depend on how many contestants we get but most likely you will be playing doubles matches.
Any new / inexperienced ,members are most welcome and will be promised experienced partners.
For planning purposes, we need to know how many members will be joining in, an entry sheet will be posted on the Pavilion notice board shortly, so please put your name on the list,
For those who cannot wait send me an email !
On another subject the Club Annual Lunch at the Bridge Inn in Walshford is being held on Sunday 3rd of November, again organised by Janet and is always a very enjoyable occasion
A plea for more members to attend, and particularly our new members who will certainly win brownie points from their partners for an occasion of good food and good company .
Hopefully we will see you at the roll-up on the 6th October and the lunch in November